Use of Present Simple (Tvorba Present Simple-a)
We use Present Simple for (Present Simple koristimo za):
1. permanent situations (za trajne radnje)
• She works in an office. (Ona radi u uredu.)
2. for repeated actions in the present, especially with adverbs of frequency (za radnje koje se ponavljaju, osobito s prilozima učestalosti)
• He often buys her flowers. (On joj često kupuje cvijeće.)
3. for facts which are permanently true (za činjenice koje su trajno istinite)
• The sun sets in the west. (Sunce zalazi na zapadu.)
4. for timetables or programmes (za rasporede ili programe)
• The lesson starts at 10 o’clock. (Predavanje počinje u 10 sati.)
Time Expressions used with Present Simple (Priložne oznake koje se koriste uz Present Simple):
• every day/week/month/year (svaki dan/tjedan/mjesec)
• every year (svake godine)
• in the afternoon (poslijepodne)
• often (često)
• every morning (svako jutro)
• in the evening (uvečer)
• never (nikad)
• always (uvijek)
• rarely (rijetko)
• at night (noću)
• usually (obično)
• sometimes (katkad)
Adverbs of frequency (often, always, usually, sometimes etc.) are placed before main verbs but after auxiliary / modal verbs (be, have, can, will, must, shall etc.). (Prilozi učestalosti (often, always, usually, sometimes itd.) stavljaju se ispred glavnih glagola, ali nakon pomoćnih / modalnih glagola (be, have, can, will, must, shall itd.).
• He often goes to the theatre. (On često ide u kazalište.)
• He is never late. (On nikad ne kasni.)