Use of Present Continuous (Upotreba Present Continousa).
We use Present Continous for (Present Continous koristimo za):
1. for temporary situations
(za privremene situacije)
• He’s staying with some friends at the moment. (On trenutačno živi kod nekih prijatelja.)
2. for actions happening at or around the time od speaking
(za radnje koje se odvijaju u trenutku govorenja ili oko tog vremena)
• He’s looking for a new job at the moment. (On trenutačno traži novi posao.)
3. with always to express annoyance or criticism
(uz always kako bi se izrazilo živciranje ili kritika)
• He’s always telling lies! (On uvijek laže!)
4. for fixed arrangements in the near future
(za utvrđene dogovore u bliskoj budućnosti)
• I’m flying to London tomorrow. (It’s all arranged. I’ve already bought the tickets. The time of the action is always stated or understood.)
((Sutra letim u London.) Sve je utvrđeno. Već sam kupio karte. Vrijeme radnje uvijek je izrečeno ili se podrazumijeva.)
Time Expressions used with Present Continuous
(Priložne oznake koje se koriste uz Present Continuous):
• now (sada)
• at the moment (sada, upravo, trenutačno)
• at present (sada, trenutačno)
• always (uvijek)
• tonight (večeras)